Indian Taekwondo Union – ITU


Indian Taekwondo Union

Master Mukesh Kumar Sahoo dreamed of establishing Indian Taekwondo Union. Since year 2016 Taekwondo players/Instructors and Referees were not duly respected nor they were honored. When the exploitation was increased high, then Master Mukesh Kumar Sahoo thought of establishing national level organization named Indian Taekwondo Union, where Taekwondo Players, Instructors and Referees may get honor and respect. Master Mukesh formed this Union (ITU) with the help of Taekwondo Instructors and friends. Soon this Union got famous on national and international level in the year 2017 Indian Taekwondo Union was registered under Govt. of Odisha. Today the Union is famous at international level in the name of Indian Taekwondo Union.

Every Players, Instructors and Referees of Taekwondo sport is hoping to fulfill their dreams through this Institute (ITU). Indian Taekwondo Union fully committed to fulfill the dreams of Taekwondo Players/Instructors/Referees. The Union has played significant role to honor and shining players, Instructors and referees at national/international level. This Union tries to get name, fame and respect to the players and Instructors like other games.

Today in India this sport should have been a great game. But different Organizations were supposed to boost up the level of Taekwondo; they took it as a business inspite of a great game. Taekwondo Players/Instructor and Referees did not have respect & honor due to politics of Organization. Taekwondo was not brought opposite to the people as it should have been brought. Taekwondo sport is played for a long time but it has not got the status it required. By considering all these shortcomings Indian Taekwondo Union was formed to fulfill the needs of Taekwondo sport and to uplift Taekwondo in India and sports world with all Taekwondo Players, Referees & Instructor. In Indian Taekwondo Union are provided respect & honor to players/Instructors/Referees according to their hard work.


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